Dreaming, Digging and about to Dive in!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Remembering Michael Jackson
I can't think about my childhood without thinking of Michael Jackson.
We had the making of Thriller and a view finder with the slides and all the albums!!!!!!
Michael Jackson was infinite, bigger than the biggest fish in the pond.
RIL Michael, you are missed.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Getting Tudilicious out of my head and into a tangible product has been a journey!
Today I put my first real label on my first real jar and I lost my mind in the store.
I haven't stopped being grateful, I now know what I'm working for.
Honestly the best feeling has been, seeing my BBQ sauce come to life.
I've cried and complained, I've lost the faith a few times but whenever I gained my strength to keep fighting, my faith grew stronger as well. Right now I'm well aware that this is so much bigger than me, I get to be the vessel that carries something amazing to share with the world. I'm who has become strong through trials and tests. I am. I trust that learning to be happy with what you have is the first step in happiness. I can't wait for step 2.
Step in, stand up and be still!~ Alejandro Perez
Still diggin' gratefully!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
I've had a 1001 things to drive me crazy in the last 2 weeks.
My A/C in my house went out, I had a blow out on my car, I lost my job and I've inherited a kid for the summer. Talk about change......
With all of these things happening in such a short amount of time, it's been overwhelming.
My struggle is new because now I'm accountable for another person and I feel as though I'm being unfair to her. What can I say? I fly by the skin of my teeth hoping to hit the bullseye and she gives me momentum to get there a little faster, to swing a little harder. Kids are amazing, who knew I would become this different in such a short amount of time. I said all that to say, that my battle to be myself has been reoccurring with all that's happened as of late. Losing my confidence in myself because I feel so unstable and out of sorts..... But amazingly she doesn't care, to her I still get to be Superwoman and my faith still allows me to shine, because no matter how I feel, she sees me as a light. Got my confidence and my fire back... the fight is on.... WATCH OUT WORLD, I'M ON MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still diggin, but the purpose has become so much bigger.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Learning to forgive....
Evolution should be inevitable. But often times we stunt our growth by holding on to our hurts, not forgiving, holding grudges. I had major issues with a family member and we didn't speak for 5 years. Because I felt I was owed an apology and that is a task that person is probably not equipped to perform. We have to meet people where they are and love them for who they are even when we don't understand them. Until recently I held the person accountable for what would make me feel better, not realizing that expecting them to apologize, was like asking them to walk on water. Well this person had a major life changing experience and I found out about it. I moved my hurt aside and called to check on them and in that instant, none of my feelings mattered. The only thing that mattered was healing, for the both of us. Today we talk alot more, and usually about nothing in particular. It's a great feeling, because I've trusted God in leading me to be a bigger, better person. I have no heaven or hell to place anyone. Luckily neither do they, and we can work on building a better relationship with no expecatations. I'm grateful. On the journey to my dreams, this is one of the issues that was blocking my growth and I feel so much freer for making a conscious decision to forgive and work on being better in every way.
Still diggin!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Can't stop smiling!
Today I put my first label on my first jar.
I completely fell apart in the store.
Everything I've worked for became real at that moment.
I'm so grateful!!!!!!!!
I didn't let it beat me!
Yeah, I'm still digging and who knows how much farther I have to go.
But I did find a treasure today and I absolutely love it!
God is awesome and I'm glad he chose me!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
The truth is....
I was terrible at anything I hated or didn't want to do!
I've learned to embrace the steps of process and know those uncomfortable places will bring me closer to the goal, in due time. I got good at making jelly after the fiasco with my former partners and I hated it because I couldnt find the balance in the chemistry. Thanks to Grandma Patsy who took her time and guided me through the process lovingly. I'm a good jelly maker now! People can show you all kinds of amazing things to make your burden lighter. I'm grateful for all the angels God has placed in my path. I'm terrible with paper work, twitter and remembering names. I have been blessed with wonderful friends who make me, they keep me, they support me and love me regardless. I'm not always loveable or supportable. But what I've learned to be true is that when people believe in you, they will support you, love you and pray that you succeed, knowing that everyone will succeed with you. No man is an island, and if he no one knows the island exists!
God,Mama, Tommy, Cupcake, April, Pam, Crystal, Monique, Melissa, Kimmy, Pleshette, Tecia, Rashida,Tracey, Tashawn, Tina, Kendra, Tenille, J-Boog, Josh, Meeka, Kiana, Monica, Tami, Dana, Victor, O, Jeff, Judith, Vanessa, Ida, Kisha H. Luster, David, Dell, Bri, Derrick, Cheryl, Kathy, Sunny, Ashley, Melodee, Kam, Byrd, Tory,Goober, Jalen, Jaren, Willie, Adrian, Karen, Tiffany, Juliet, Cooper, YiLynne, Debbie, Tara, Richard, Johnathan, April, Oyadare, Dulce, GiGi, Ms. Daralyn, Quita Beata, Alejandro, Cynthia, Angela, Terrie, Shachor, Donna,
MY UNCLES... Buck, Blue,Andrew, Don..... I LOVE THOSE GUYS, MY UNCLES ARE THE BOMB.COM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Grandparents, Grandma Patsy, Felita, Sheila....
We are all diggin together, who could ask for more?
These are people who have been here, there, on the journey. Each has made a major contribution to my growth, my life and my dream! When my head hung low, they were there to wipe the tears and remind me that I still had it, something to fight for, dreaming bigger, working harder!
I asked for an angel and I got a whole bunch!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The battle....
As if life isn't hard enough, it doubly hard when you hate everything... work, finances, relationships, emotions, spirit, heart....
But anything worth having is worth fighting for, and the fight will often times wear you out, make you want to quit, question your ability..... Keep your dukes up and box with it.
I've tried to leave cooking and the food industry alone so many times, I tried to walk away.
I keep coming back to it because it's what drives me, passion, love, creativity and the joy I feel in preparing each meal. I've felt completely lost when I wasn't working in the food industry. I can't imagine being somewhere else, doing something else.... After 5 years in TX, I get it. I'm so grateful that I stayed, didn't give in. I'm reaping the harvest after all the sewing, all the crying, the labor, none of any of it has been in vain. I trusted God and he has shown himself over and over again. I'm grateful.
Keep diggin, yeah, keep diggin!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Hey Tomorrow :-)
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Cupcake....Because I love her so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had all of these plans on how my summer with the love of my life would go.....
Cupcake is my niece, she brings a smile to my face, her voice, her laugh, her smile!
This is the first summer we have spent together and the longest amount of time we've spent together ever. I didn't know how it would effect me, change my life. I didn't know I was "mommy" material, but I've jumped in this thing and oooohhhhh what can I say? I guess it's natural?
I love her and I'm so excited about all the possibilities, opportunities and growth that I'm experiencing with her. She tells me all the time "I'm glad we get to spend time together."
I thought I was doing my mom a favor by keeping her for the summer, I think it's the other way around. Who knew this little person could really put a brighter shine in my life? I'm so grateful.
Everything isn't how I'd like it, but it's ok, it's functioning and perfect.
I got my shovel and I'm still diggin' and right now I have a partner.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
More Shovels... (For my Bertha)
Pain and discomfort makes us better people.
Often we have to do some things we don't want to do because the season must change.
Everyday I'm grateful that people believe in me and support me and my dreams.
I'm so guilty of getting comfort and stopping my progress to a certain degree.
I desire balance, stability and consistency.
Journeying to your dreams, you rarely get them all at the same time, it's a part of the process.
I've said all that to say, I'm grateful that people believe in me enough that they continue to support what I do. They have enough faith in me to believe I can achieve anything I put my mind too.
I love to watch success stories and see how people overcome obstacles and perservere.
We dig with every ounce of our being and it's not always a good dig, sometimes we fall into pits, dig up dookie and fall knee dip into it, or quicksand. But we are constantly digging because we are constantly breathing, working toward some goal.
This week has been a true test of faith, patience, surrender and victory. I've overcome a few head/heartaches and I am well aware that I am still loved, not forgotten and cherished.
The challenging weeks are when I remember why I continue to dig.
Grab your shovel... you know the rest.
Monday, June 3, 2013

I asked God to remove the things from my life that weren't good for me.
Not knowing some of them would be so hard to release.
I'm grateful, a few ghosts from my past have reappeared and I'm unsure of I feel about them.
Remembering our "last harrahs" I know I made a good decision.
Lesson's learned, demons buried and a peaceful resolve at last.....
Who am I? Yeah, I'm grateful!
Past that part of the process....
But still I continue to dig!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Keep diggin'

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
In all things, look for the lesson.
Keep diggin!
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