When I master this, I'll be truly amazing!
I get so flustered, when I have to wait on something..... LAWD JEEZUS!!!!!!!!!!!
Patience is not my gifting, but I'm definitely learning to become friends with it.
The one thing I remember is the day that patience saved my life!!!!
I was driving to Louisiana, for my great-grandmothers birthday party.
I caught a "rabbit"( that's the person will speed and get the ticket on the highway), they were rolling!
They had to be going about 90, so I was going about 85.
All of a sudden I had to tinkle so badly, I had to get off the highway to go.
While thinking the whole time.... I'm going to lose my "rabbit"!
But I got off and went and hopped right back on the road, I was off the road for a total of 6 minutes.....
I start speeding trying to catch them and then I see this big fireball explosion.
This is not even 5 miles up the road, and I'm thinking, I sure hope they made it.
Instantly I stopped/slowed down/pulled over/ I had to get it together.....
I arrive at the scene,there was someone in the street and someone had been pulled out of the vehicle.
I cried the whole way to Louisiana, and I kept checking on the accident the whole weekend.
After the reunion, I drove to Arkansas to hangout with my family for a more days.
Some friends and I went to dinner and one of them told me to call and check on another friend because she had lost her best friend in a car accident on Friday.... she begins to tell me what happened, I'm literally filling in her sentences with the details..... I found out I knew that whole family and they all perished in an accident. It really hit home, really hard and taught me a valuable lesson, patience.
God has more for me, he made a provision to spare my life.....
He watches sparrows, I know he sees me!!!!
Gratefully grabbing my shovel, continuing the digging!
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