I've kissed enough toads to know I hate the taste of slime......
I love and love hard, and that also has allowed me to be heartbroken a time or two.
Often times we compromise who we are, what we believe in the name of a "bigger" picture.
A friend once told me, that you have to teach people how to treat you, value yourself more and the rest will follow. It took a while to grasp this concept, and it's one that I continue to work on.
We must never devalue ourselves to be accepted by anyone. Those who matter won't mind and those mind wont matter. In the battle to be comfortable in our own skins, we often seek the need to be understood.
Those who think outside the box, are usually the ones who are made fun of and ridiculed for having to courage to be what they like, while those who choose to be accepted by the norm do the finger poking.
Love yourself first, and give others permission to do the same.
Grab your shovel and keep digging!
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