Your career is what you're paid for, your calling is what you're made for.
Hey guys, sorry I'm a little backed up on writing.
I had a play last week and I just finished it up last night.
So now I can get back on schedule.
Let's make today short and sweet.
But make it an awesome day!
No matter what your calling is, be the best at it.
Do it like no other. Show up and show out daily!
Let the light of God shine through you.
People receive your gifting when you passionately pursue it.
The blessing comes when your joy allows other people to feel/see the love/passion you have for that task. Alot of people are so busy being miserable, that they have a hard time feeling good, without the use of drugs, alcohol and whatever their addiction is.
I talked to a few people, in the last few weeks, who laughed at me because I don't drink.
I'm not good it, I don't enjoy it so I don't do it.
I go to happy hour to eat the discounted appetizers.
Liquor does nothing for me, I may have a taste of wine every blue moon.
I like to talk and have no idea how much I would tell.
The few times I've been intoxicated, I went to sleep.
At any rate, I said all of that to say.
God made us all differently, be unafraid of who you are or who you are meant to be.
We have to define life on our terms.
Stop chasing the easy route. Do the work.
Write the vision, make it plain. Trust God.
There is no time to waste on the journey to your destiny.
Know that you are groomed for greatness.
And with that grooming comes adversity,opposition and setbacks, but also joy, peace, opportunity.
There is nothing like being happy about what you do daily.
When you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.
I am working in my calling! I'm grateful.
Get your shovel and keep diggin'
In order to find the diamond, you have to believe that it's in there.
Faith without work is dead.
Believe, roll up your sleeves and get to diggin'!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Getting what I prayed for...
It's amazing how we ask God to give us things.
He never tells us no, but he never tells us what we will endure to get it either.
Knowing all the pain ahead of time, takes away the desire of the dream.
The dream will change to something less painful.
I know I would have changed mine 5 years ago when I moved to TX.
Had I known, I’d have to endure so much to live in my purpose, I would have settled so long ago.
But the fighter in me wants the dream to live a better life, than my ancestors.
I want to make their struggles count.
He never tells us no, but he never tells us what we will endure to get it either.
Knowing all the pain ahead of time, takes away the desire of the dream.
The dream will change to something less painful.
I know I would have changed mine 5 years ago when I moved to TX.
Had I known, I’d have to endure so much to live in my purpose, I would have settled so long ago.
But the fighter in me wants the dream to live a better life, than my ancestors.
I want to make their struggles count.
They are those that made them that made these that made me....
Carry the torch for progression, become an ambassador for your family.
I wear my grandmother's face and I respect her legacy!
We must respect ourselves enough to not embarrass our families.
Reach the one, teach one and be willing to be taught.
Taking pride and dignity in yourself and the history of those before you is a forgotten rule.
Listen to the stupid music that's played today.
Degrade women, smoke, drink, screw...... nothing of any substance.
We have to give ourselves permission to love ourselves and each other.
We have to honor and uplift one another and stop jealousy and hatred.
There is enough room in the sky for everyone to fly..... Don't be afraid jump, just start flapping!
I gave my dreams and desires to God, he never told me no.
He just didn't tell me what I would endure on the journey.
But he has carried me, guided me and loved me through it all.
I'm grateful!
I trusted him, he gave me a shovel.
I put my faith in him, he told me to keep digging.
I asked for my dreams to come true, he start showing me diamonds (with the promise of more)
Keep diggin! It's in there... in due time.
Carry the torch for progression, become an ambassador for your family.
I wear my grandmother's face and I respect her legacy!
We must respect ourselves enough to not embarrass our families.
Reach the one, teach one and be willing to be taught.
Taking pride and dignity in yourself and the history of those before you is a forgotten rule.
Listen to the stupid music that's played today.
Degrade women, smoke, drink, screw...... nothing of any substance.
We have to give ourselves permission to love ourselves and each other.
We have to honor and uplift one another and stop jealousy and hatred.
There is enough room in the sky for everyone to fly..... Don't be afraid jump, just start flapping!
I gave my dreams and desires to God, he never told me no.
He just didn't tell me what I would endure on the journey.
But he has carried me, guided me and loved me through it all.
I'm grateful!
I trusted him, he gave me a shovel.
I put my faith in him, he told me to keep digging.
I asked for my dreams to come true, he start showing me diamonds (with the promise of more)
Keep diggin! It's in there... in due time.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Try something new. This is the time that you have to be flexible,
versatile, and open to the possibilities of exploring new
horizons. Be willing to experiment, and step into the unknown.
Try something new with your life! Don't allow yourself to be a
sitting duck or a volunteer victim...totally at the mercy of
... someone's decisions.
versatile, and open to the possibilities of exploring new
horizons. Be willing to experiment, and step into the unknown.
Try something new with your life! Don't allow yourself to be a
sitting duck or a volunteer victim...totally at the mercy of
... someone's decisions.
We have to take charge of our destiny!
No one owes us anything and time is of the essence.
Life is short and unpredictable.
We become what we believe we can be, through prayer, faith and effort.
Faith without works is dead! Get on your hustle and make it work!
Stretch it to the end of your demonstration.
Keep the faith and trust the process, it's not always easy!
Learn a lesson from each setback, a setback is a setup for a comeback.
I thought the following quote was very inspiring, so I decided to share it.
Times have changed. You have to have your own back, and
create your own recovery plan. Each year determine to master a
new skill. What did you learn today that you did not know
yesterday? You have talents, abilities, and gifts in you that you
haven’t even reached for yet. Don't let them waste away!! It’s
time to be about the business of developing them. You
deserve it!! Les Brown
Times have changed. You have to have your own back, and
create your own recovery plan. Each year determine to master a
new skill. What did you learn today that you did not know
yesterday? You have talents, abilities, and gifts in you that you
haven’t even reached for yet. Don't let them waste away!! It’s
time to be about the business of developing them. You
deserve it!! Les Brown
Continue to be amazing!
Grab your shovel, keep diggin!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
The dirt is necessary....
What beautiful things didn't come up from the dirt? Man, woman, trees, flowers grow and bloom after they break ground. They break through the dirt to show themselves. We must get above ground and build on top of the dirt and never forget where we came from.
Everyone has a story, the good, the bad and the ugly.
There was a woman on the Steve Harvey show, who used to be a prostitute because she was sexually abused as a child.She has bought houses and taken 47 girls off the street and put them all through college.
Who does that? Who changes your heart? God can change anything and anyone. First you must find the faith in yourself to rise above the dirt. It's ok to be knocked down but it's not ok to stay there.
I found this woman's story to be amazing. She was so inspiring, so awesome and I was honored to hear her story. She overcame the adversity of every challenge and defied the stereotypes. She made a wonderful life and she passed the blessing to some sisters who needed the same permission to change their worlds. I think it's beautiful. She chose to build a mansion on top of the same dirt that once buried her.
Anyone can build a house, but building a mansion is hard work. We have to be willing to reach people where they are. Hurt people, hurt people. Pain is a normal feeling for some people and they aren't willing to do anything different to feel better. The saddest part of that is they pass it, hurt is contagious. That's why so many people battle with low self esteem for so many reasons. God is just awesome and he is still moving stones.
Rise from the dirt and put your feet firmly on the ground and start building.
The beauty of the diamond is that is buried in the dirt and formed from high pressure and temperatures. It takes "eruptions" to push them to high enough for us to get a shovel and find them.
Get your shovel and start digging. I believe in diamonds.
Continue to be amazing!
Everyone has a story, the good, the bad and the ugly.
There was a woman on the Steve Harvey show, who used to be a prostitute because she was sexually abused as a child.She has bought houses and taken 47 girls off the street and put them all through college.
Who does that? Who changes your heart? God can change anything and anyone. First you must find the faith in yourself to rise above the dirt. It's ok to be knocked down but it's not ok to stay there.
I found this woman's story to be amazing. She was so inspiring, so awesome and I was honored to hear her story. She overcame the adversity of every challenge and defied the stereotypes. She made a wonderful life and she passed the blessing to some sisters who needed the same permission to change their worlds. I think it's beautiful. She chose to build a mansion on top of the same dirt that once buried her.
Anyone can build a house, but building a mansion is hard work. We have to be willing to reach people where they are. Hurt people, hurt people. Pain is a normal feeling for some people and they aren't willing to do anything different to feel better. The saddest part of that is they pass it, hurt is contagious. That's why so many people battle with low self esteem for so many reasons. God is just awesome and he is still moving stones.
Rise from the dirt and put your feet firmly on the ground and start building.
The beauty of the diamond is that is buried in the dirt and formed from high pressure and temperatures. It takes "eruptions" to push them to high enough for us to get a shovel and find them.
Get your shovel and start digging. I believe in diamonds.
Continue to be amazing!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Learning to give flowers and not swords....

I've been accused of being too honest, to a fault.
Last night I had a great conversation with a friend and it was beautiful.
Often times people ask for my opinion and I say what I'm thinking, sometimes without the filter.
Unintentionally, I'd hurt someone's feelings or upset them.
My response would be, "You shouldn't have asked me."
After the discussion last night I did alot of thinking, which lead me here.
I've been through alot, as we all have, but in this journey I have to be transparent.
I can't kick the can because it's on the ground.
Simply put, I can pick it up and hand it back or just leave it there and walk away, but a kick is unnecessary.
Becoming frustrated with certain things and situations serves no one, when no changes are being made.
Keep the whining and complaining to yourself unless you are willing to grow/change/learn something.
Who wants to hear a whiner all the time? I DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In this transition to give flowers and not swords, I have to acknowledge that I too, will receive a lesson in this. I keep flunking the same test, because I've become too impatient.
As a woman of color, we have to be transparent and unashamed of who we are, what we can be and what we will become. Most importantly we have to uplift and support each other. We are an amazing group of people and we've been taught to hate ourselves since the beginning of time. It's our job to guide each other, love each other and be honest with each other. We need each other, give flowers, not swords. I'm not saying to support foolishness such as the madness played on the radio or television.
We all strive to be something and in the process of striving we stretch, bend, contort but we can't break!
Breaking is when we give up ourselves, beliefs, morals for a temporary gain, in hopes of keeping what we have or gaining what we wish to attain. We are valuable, amazing, talented, dynamic, beautiful and original. Let's challenge ourselves to be more than we were yesterday, lets uplift, support, guide, love, direct and embrace things we don't understand. I make it a point to never become an embarrassment to my family. I wear the faces of my ancestors, my name carries a legacy of women who were nothing short of amazing. I'm so proud of my heritage, we were/are/will continue to be a dynamic people. We need to keep the faith in ourselves, believe in each other, support each other and guide the foolishness out of the process.
Limit what you expose your children too, teach them history of family, music, life. Give them something to remember, because unfortunately the way we are portrayed by the media we are either nonexistent, irrelevant or stupid. And alot of the musicians that are in heavy rotation feed into every negative stereotype there is. Teach them that it's ok to love themselves and make a differemce. When one person believes in us, it gives us permission to believe in ourselves. Give flowers not swords. (Get a water hose and clean off a few diamonds)
Grab your shovel, keep diggin' (it's in there)
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
I'm coffee!
So last night I had a discussion with someone whom I love very dearly.
I asked them to read my blog and the response was " I don't see the point in telling your business."
I simply replied "I use my story as inspiration to the next up and coming business owner."
We all have a story with parts that we would love to say didn't happen, but they did, they do and they will and we must learn something from them.
I'm completely misunderstood by this person apparently and my reasons are blurred.
God gives all something, there is never a testimony without a test.
The fact that I'm willing to share my journey is not to tell my business, it's truly to share that it hasn't been a walk in the park for me. I pray that this blog inspires its readers and that my transparency is not taken out of context. I make it a point to contribute to something bigger than I could ever hope to be. I'm unapologetic, honest and thanking God for the courage to tell my story, be unashamed of my past and proud of the person that I've become. I've grown, I've learned something and I wouldn't trade anything for my journey.
In life we have a few choices and this one story always makes me remember why I do what I do and why I will continue.
Carrots, Eggs and Coffee
A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling.
Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans.
She let them sit and boil without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.
Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me, what do you see?" "Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.
She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft and mushy. She then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hardened egg. Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee.
The daughter smiled as she tasted its deep flavour and inhaled its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, "What's the point, mother?"
Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity - boiling water - but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin, outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.
The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water they had changed the water.
"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"
Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong? But with pain and adversity, do I wilt and lose my strength? Am I the egg that starts with a fluid spirit but, after death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart? Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water - the very circumstance that brings the adversity, the pain, the hardship – into something quite wonderful. When the water gets hot, it releases it's fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better, and change the situation around you for the better.
When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate to another level? How do you handle adversity?
(Somehow, wake up and smell the coffee takes on a whole new meaning)
I have a shovel, a flashlight, a cup with cream and sugar and no apologies! Still diggin, still believing!
I asked them to read my blog and the response was " I don't see the point in telling your business."
I simply replied "I use my story as inspiration to the next up and coming business owner."
We all have a story with parts that we would love to say didn't happen, but they did, they do and they will and we must learn something from them.
I'm completely misunderstood by this person apparently and my reasons are blurred.
God gives all something, there is never a testimony without a test.
The fact that I'm willing to share my journey is not to tell my business, it's truly to share that it hasn't been a walk in the park for me. I pray that this blog inspires its readers and that my transparency is not taken out of context. I make it a point to contribute to something bigger than I could ever hope to be. I'm unapologetic, honest and thanking God for the courage to tell my story, be unashamed of my past and proud of the person that I've become. I've grown, I've learned something and I wouldn't trade anything for my journey.
In life we have a few choices and this one story always makes me remember why I do what I do and why I will continue.
Carrots, Eggs and Coffee
A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling.
Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans.
She let them sit and boil without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.
Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me, what do you see?" "Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.
She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft and mushy. She then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hardened egg. Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee.
The daughter smiled as she tasted its deep flavour and inhaled its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, "What's the point, mother?"
Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity - boiling water - but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin, outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.
The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water they had changed the water.
"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"
Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong? But with pain and adversity, do I wilt and lose my strength? Am I the egg that starts with a fluid spirit but, after death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart? Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water - the very circumstance that brings the adversity, the pain, the hardship – into something quite wonderful. When the water gets hot, it releases it's fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better, and change the situation around you for the better.
When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate to another level? How do you handle adversity?
(Somehow, wake up and smell the coffee takes on a whole new meaning)
I have a shovel, a flashlight, a cup with cream and sugar and no apologies! Still diggin, still believing!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Going to leave footprints on the moon......
I saw this pic of the beautiful Lisa Raye, it read
"Don't tell me the sky is the limit, when there are footprints on the moon"
If that didn't melt my butter!
I love it!
I alway's look for quotes or nice sayings to inspire/motivate me.
This past weekend when I watched Taraji P. Henson tell her story, she said her dad would tell her "You can't catch fish on dry land." She didnt understand it at the time.
He was simply saying, if it's not where you are, go where it is.
Alot of us keep sitting still waiting for whatever it is we dream of like it knows our address.
I'm a firm believer in chasing, whatever it is that I want bad enough to attain it!
My days in Texas have been rough! But everyone kept saying it takes 5 years before it gets good.
On many days I didn't think 5 years would ever get here. I didnt I'd stay in TX for 5 years waiting on better to get here. I'm grateful that I did. Better took its sweet time getting here and it was hard not giving up.
So today I booked 2 catering gigs and finished my first article for a website.
I'm so excited my first batch of jars finally made it in today. There is going to be some serious sauce making around these parts!!!!!
My project for the month of March is going to be to complete my vision board.
Ill post everything, as I do it.
If you want to join I can also send the information out daily.
Or you can by the book that I'm going to follow The Creative Entreprenuer.
Rule 1. Figure out what you like to do.
What is that brings you the most joy about that process?
How can you make it your own?
Rule 2.
Don't give up your secrets and tell only as much as necessary.
Everyone is not happy for you and some of the closest people to you are the most jealous.
While personalizing your craft, do you feel like it's "real" work? Would you do it for free?
Rule 3.
Hustle. Work. Hustle more. Get ready for payday.
You better go get your blessing!!!!!
(If my blessing is resting at Central Market, and I'm standing in front of Kroger, we will never meet)
Surround yourself with things that reflect the life you want to live.
Do the things that you enjoy and find conducive to the passion you are pursuing.
Rule 4.
Don't give away all you have, give away enough for them to come back for seconds! (Now start charging!!!!)
Rule 5.Keep the faith in yourself. Know that God is able. Trust the process. Believe it will come true no matter what.
Grab your shovel and keep digging! ( I see a fleck or something in here)
"Don't tell me the sky is the limit, when there are footprints on the moon"
If that didn't melt my butter!
I love it!
I alway's look for quotes or nice sayings to inspire/motivate me.
This past weekend when I watched Taraji P. Henson tell her story, she said her dad would tell her "You can't catch fish on dry land." She didnt understand it at the time.
He was simply saying, if it's not where you are, go where it is.
Alot of us keep sitting still waiting for whatever it is we dream of like it knows our address.
I'm a firm believer in chasing, whatever it is that I want bad enough to attain it!
My days in Texas have been rough! But everyone kept saying it takes 5 years before it gets good.
On many days I didn't think 5 years would ever get here. I didnt I'd stay in TX for 5 years waiting on better to get here. I'm grateful that I did. Better took its sweet time getting here and it was hard not giving up.
So today I booked 2 catering gigs and finished my first article for a website.
I'm so excited my first batch of jars finally made it in today. There is going to be some serious sauce making around these parts!!!!!
My project for the month of March is going to be to complete my vision board.
Ill post everything, as I do it.
If you want to join I can also send the information out daily.
Or you can by the book that I'm going to follow The Creative Entreprenuer.
Rule 1. Figure out what you like to do.
What is that brings you the most joy about that process?
How can you make it your own?
Rule 2.
Don't give up your secrets and tell only as much as necessary.
Everyone is not happy for you and some of the closest people to you are the most jealous.
While personalizing your craft, do you feel like it's "real" work? Would you do it for free?
Rule 3.
Hustle. Work. Hustle more. Get ready for payday.
You better go get your blessing!!!!!
(If my blessing is resting at Central Market, and I'm standing in front of Kroger, we will never meet)
Surround yourself with things that reflect the life you want to live.
Do the things that you enjoy and find conducive to the passion you are pursuing.
Rule 4.
Don't give away all you have, give away enough for them to come back for seconds! (Now start charging!!!!)
Rule 5.Keep the faith in yourself. Know that God is able. Trust the process. Believe it will come true no matter what.
Grab your shovel and keep digging! ( I see a fleck or something in here)
Monday, February 18, 2013
Today was a day that I had to have one of those difficult conversations.
I've had butterflies for the last few days, wondering what would happen.
If things would change? for better? for worse? or would the relationship be severed.
We sit down and talk and get everything on the table,cry,laugh and hug. It was beautiful.
I'm so grateful, I put my faith in God and asked him to resolve the matter for the better and I'm not at all disappointed by the end result. I'm grateful.
This past weekend, I went home to see the love of my life. My niece was performing for the first time in the choir and I promised I'd be there to see her.
I surprised her by going to her school and hanging out for the day and went to lunch with her and all that jazz. She was excited and we enjoyed each other. She and I hung out all weekend and visited some of my friends and family. This was truly one of the best trips I've had in quite some time. I needed it.
There is nothing like going home, a place where you are loved and accepted for who you are, when the world makes you fight everyday. I go home to recharge. I got to see just about everyone, I went to some of my favorite places, I was reminded how much I matter and how much I am loved. It was truly a great trip.
I got up this morning, determined to have a good day regardless of what end result of the conversation would be. After all of the running around I've done lately, my mind and actions have become cluttered. Going home was so necessary, I got a break from being all that I am in Dallas, to just being me in Arkansas. It was relaxing, enjoyable and I got something else that I needed! More motivation.
I was at my friend April's house and we were looking for something to watch. We find a speaking engagement featuring Taraji P. Henson. She is one of my favorites! It was called finding faith in yourself and it was amazing! I cried because I completely identified with the lose of faith in self, in God, in the process. She spoke so eloquently about the process of becoming what you are destined to be and it was what I needed. The reassurance, the acknowledgment, the confidence, the wisdom, the grace, the faith..... It was awesome and I was truly blessed by listening. It's ok to have faith in yourself and know that it will waiver, just don't lose heart.
Grab your shovel and keep on diggin!!!!! (I have faith in so much more!)
I've had butterflies for the last few days, wondering what would happen.
If things would change? for better? for worse? or would the relationship be severed.
We sit down and talk and get everything on the table,cry,laugh and hug. It was beautiful.
I'm so grateful, I put my faith in God and asked him to resolve the matter for the better and I'm not at all disappointed by the end result. I'm grateful.
This past weekend, I went home to see the love of my life. My niece was performing for the first time in the choir and I promised I'd be there to see her.
I surprised her by going to her school and hanging out for the day and went to lunch with her and all that jazz. She was excited and we enjoyed each other. She and I hung out all weekend and visited some of my friends and family. This was truly one of the best trips I've had in quite some time. I needed it.
There is nothing like going home, a place where you are loved and accepted for who you are, when the world makes you fight everyday. I go home to recharge. I got to see just about everyone, I went to some of my favorite places, I was reminded how much I matter and how much I am loved. It was truly a great trip.
I got up this morning, determined to have a good day regardless of what end result of the conversation would be. After all of the running around I've done lately, my mind and actions have become cluttered. Going home was so necessary, I got a break from being all that I am in Dallas, to just being me in Arkansas. It was relaxing, enjoyable and I got something else that I needed! More motivation.
I was at my friend April's house and we were looking for something to watch. We find a speaking engagement featuring Taraji P. Henson. She is one of my favorites! It was called finding faith in yourself and it was amazing! I cried because I completely identified with the lose of faith in self, in God, in the process. She spoke so eloquently about the process of becoming what you are destined to be and it was what I needed. The reassurance, the acknowledgment, the confidence, the wisdom, the grace, the faith..... It was awesome and I was truly blessed by listening. It's ok to have faith in yourself and know that it will waiver, just don't lose heart.
Grab your shovel and keep on diggin!!!!! (I have faith in so much more!)
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Indeed I am.....
Allow yourself to give and receive love, not just today.
We all have habits that we need to break and develop new ones that better suit us.
In this changing my mindset quest, I learn more about myself daily.
My ministry and love is food, you know I love you if I feed you.
If you are sick, I'm making soup.
If I'm happy I'm developing new recipes and I need to share it with the masses.
It's awful hard to cook for just one person!
We have these expectations of what love should look like.
When it doesn't fit our image, we leave, lose interest or settle for something less than what we settled for.
I have a horrible habit of losing interest quickly when it comes to certain things.
I am particular about the company that I keep, things that I listen to and the places I go.
We become what we attract or are attracted too.
Apparently the dookieball in me attracts the like LOL....
I'm honest enough with myself to not dabble in things that I perceive foolish or a waste.
I often times, miss out on certain experiences because of my perception.
I'm learning to get out of my own way. It's honestly a hard road.
I don't play by the book or the cover, I just play and sometimes it gets tiresome.
I shoot for the bullseye and pray I hit close enough to crawl to it.
In the name of success I must succeed!
I've come to far to quit, stop or turn around.
On this journey I thank God daily. I pray for protection from the things that I can't see. I pray for peace where there is conflict and discomfort. I pray for understanding where there is confusion and mending in my brokenness. I know He favors me. He showed me my diamonds and demons. In this process it was painful, but necessary and very eye opening. I realized who my friends were and weren't and lost quite a few. It's hard to love someone who doesn't reciprocate, and when you find someone who does, make it a point to keep them around, they are truly valuable. You can never be friends with someone who is jealous of you, in your drive or your dream because they don't have one. Some people you just have to step away from and deal with them differently.
I do this to my friends and expect this of my friends
1. Help where you can.
2.Be honest about what you will and won't do.
3. Tell the truth.
4.Have the difficult conversations.
5. Kiss and make up.
6. Most importantly (LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY)
At one of my lowest points, where I was completely broken, nothing to smile about or laugh. I remember saying "One day this going to be funny." Some stuff I can go back and laugh at now and it's hilarious! I'm funny if nothing else, and I can't wait to tell some of these stories, that will make you laugh. As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to make videos of myself telling the stories, because reading it will do it no justice!
Be able to laugh at yourself and continue to be amazing!
Spread the love and keep diggin!
We all have habits that we need to break and develop new ones that better suit us.
In this changing my mindset quest, I learn more about myself daily.
My ministry and love is food, you know I love you if I feed you.
If you are sick, I'm making soup.
If I'm happy I'm developing new recipes and I need to share it with the masses.
It's awful hard to cook for just one person!
We have these expectations of what love should look like.
When it doesn't fit our image, we leave, lose interest or settle for something less than what we settled for.
I have a horrible habit of losing interest quickly when it comes to certain things.
I am particular about the company that I keep, things that I listen to and the places I go.
We become what we attract or are attracted too.
Apparently the dookieball in me attracts the like LOL....
I'm honest enough with myself to not dabble in things that I perceive foolish or a waste.
I often times, miss out on certain experiences because of my perception.
I'm learning to get out of my own way. It's honestly a hard road.
I don't play by the book or the cover, I just play and sometimes it gets tiresome.
I shoot for the bullseye and pray I hit close enough to crawl to it.
In the name of success I must succeed!
I've come to far to quit, stop or turn around.
On this journey I thank God daily. I pray for protection from the things that I can't see. I pray for peace where there is conflict and discomfort. I pray for understanding where there is confusion and mending in my brokenness. I know He favors me. He showed me my diamonds and demons. In this process it was painful, but necessary and very eye opening. I realized who my friends were and weren't and lost quite a few. It's hard to love someone who doesn't reciprocate, and when you find someone who does, make it a point to keep them around, they are truly valuable. You can never be friends with someone who is jealous of you, in your drive or your dream because they don't have one. Some people you just have to step away from and deal with them differently.
I do this to my friends and expect this of my friends
1. Help where you can.
2.Be honest about what you will and won't do.
3. Tell the truth.
4.Have the difficult conversations.
5. Kiss and make up.
6. Most importantly (LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY)
At one of my lowest points, where I was completely broken, nothing to smile about or laugh. I remember saying "One day this going to be funny." Some stuff I can go back and laugh at now and it's hilarious! I'm funny if nothing else, and I can't wait to tell some of these stories, that will make you laugh. As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to make videos of myself telling the stories, because reading it will do it no justice!
Be able to laugh at yourself and continue to be amazing!
Spread the love and keep diggin!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Setting goals.....
I used to set big goals and big goals only, and feel as though I was accomplishing nothing!
So now I set smaller goals leading to the bigger goals and I feel very productive.
Every month I make a goal sheet with 10 goals and I have the whole month to accomplish them.
They aren't big things, they are just necessary things.
My goal list for this month is:
1. Get my room/closet cleaned.*
2. Give away excessive items at least 3 garbage bags.
3. Finish my website.
4. Finish my business plan.*
5. Clean out my car.*
6. Edit my catering menu sheet.*
7. Finish editing my children's cookbook.
8. File the remaining legal paperwork.
9. File my taxes.* ( I did them myself)
10. Take photo headshots.* (It's my profile pic. What do you think?)
(* means these things are completed)
But I'm showing my list to show that it doesn't happen overnight and there is still other things to maintain in the route to success. We still have an everyday life that we must live and we can't devote 24 hours a day to our dreams. I've learned that making a list, helps me to accomplish more by seeing them disappear from my list. I write my new list in my dream book every month. My new list is due on the first of every month, sometimes I complete it a few days before. I usually try to have at least 8 of the 10 things completed by the 25 and the last two by the last day of the month. Some months I don't get them all but if I do 80% of my set goal I'm pleased with myself. Be realistic about what can and can't be accomplished in an allotted time frame. As with all things, progression is gradual and adheres to no schedule. Start researching your dream and making lists of things that need to happen in order to make it happen! Start by cleaning your closet, getting rid of old stuff and making room for new things. Organizing your closets actually helps clear your thinking. I'm known for having a junky closet and getting it organized has been it's fair share of work! But I'm still standing and making better decisions and I'm happy about it.
STILL DIGGIN'!!!! It's in there! (In due time)
So now I set smaller goals leading to the bigger goals and I feel very productive.
Every month I make a goal sheet with 10 goals and I have the whole month to accomplish them.
They aren't big things, they are just necessary things.
My goal list for this month is:
1. Get my room/closet cleaned.*
2. Give away excessive items at least 3 garbage bags.
3. Finish my website.
4. Finish my business plan.*
5. Clean out my car.*
6. Edit my catering menu sheet.*
7. Finish editing my children's cookbook.
8. File the remaining legal paperwork.
9. File my taxes.* ( I did them myself)
10. Take photo headshots.* (It's my profile pic. What do you think?)
(* means these things are completed)
But I'm showing my list to show that it doesn't happen overnight and there is still other things to maintain in the route to success. We still have an everyday life that we must live and we can't devote 24 hours a day to our dreams. I've learned that making a list, helps me to accomplish more by seeing them disappear from my list. I write my new list in my dream book every month. My new list is due on the first of every month, sometimes I complete it a few days before. I usually try to have at least 8 of the 10 things completed by the 25 and the last two by the last day of the month. Some months I don't get them all but if I do 80% of my set goal I'm pleased with myself. Be realistic about what can and can't be accomplished in an allotted time frame. As with all things, progression is gradual and adheres to no schedule. Start researching your dream and making lists of things that need to happen in order to make it happen! Start by cleaning your closet, getting rid of old stuff and making room for new things. Organizing your closets actually helps clear your thinking. I'm known for having a junky closet and getting it organized has been it's fair share of work! But I'm still standing and making better decisions and I'm happy about it.
STILL DIGGIN'!!!! It's in there! (In due time)
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Strong, Courageous and Wise
Yesterday went really well.
I had an audition for an infomercial and it went pretty good!
No crying, no complaints.... I find out something in a few weeks.
When I first decided to move to Texas, I had no idea what was in store.
I just knew there was more opportunity than Arkansas could afford me.
On the drive down I kept playing one song, over and over and over again.
India Arie is one of my all time favorite artists hands down.
Acoustic Soul is probably my favorite album ever, it forced me to grow.....
Her lyrics were so on point with my life at that time and still relevant today.
Video, Strength, Courage and Wisdom, Beautiful, Simple, Wonderful!!!
That album is amazing! I still have yet to meet her or see her in concert.... Don't worry in due time!
But the song that really touches me is
Strength Courage and Wisdom
Verse 1
Inside my head there lives a dream that I want to see in the sun
Behind my eyes there lives a me that I've been hiding for much too long
'Cause I've been, too afraid to let it show
'Cause I'm scared of the judgment that may follow
Always putting off my living for tomorrow
It's time to step out on faith, I've gotta show my face
It's been elusive for so long, but freedom is mine today
I've gotta step out on faith, It's time to show my face
Procrastination had me down but look what I have found, I found
Strength, courage, and wisdom
And it's been inside of me all along,
Strength, courage, and wisdom
Inside of me
Behind my pride there lives a me, that knows humility
Inside my voice there is a soul, and in my soul there is a voice
But I've been, too afraid to make a choice
'Cause I'm scared of the things that I might be missing
Running too fast to stop and listen
It's time to step out on faith, I've gotta show my face
It's been elusive for so long but freedom is mine today
I've gotta step out on faith it's time to show my face
Procrastination had me down but look what I have found, I found
This song is truly a song any person with a dream should know.
You will doubt yourself, lose faith in God and yourself, question everything,
run from everything, search for the unknown and battle your mind for control.
It's a struggle to change your mindset.
Believe me I'm still a work in progress, because a setback had caused me to reevaluate and go through all of the emotions and try to maintain the balance of being who I am and am meant to be.
It's work, it's painful, it's beautiful, it's enlightening and it's so necessary.
Be bold, be amazing and accept the challenge to blossom!
Be the first person to believe in you and the rest will follow.
When I stopped seeking acceptance and validation from others, while in pursuit of these dreams, I became a much happier person. Because I believed and I pursued others followed by supporting me and taking interest in the developments. We will all encounter people who will try to deter us from whatever it is we desire. Remember we have to live for ourselves and what other people think of us and our dreams is none of our business. Don't get distracted, stay focused.
Keep diggin' it's in there...( In Due Time)
I had an audition for an infomercial and it went pretty good!
No crying, no complaints.... I find out something in a few weeks.
When I first decided to move to Texas, I had no idea what was in store.
I just knew there was more opportunity than Arkansas could afford me.
On the drive down I kept playing one song, over and over and over again.
India Arie is one of my all time favorite artists hands down.
Acoustic Soul is probably my favorite album ever, it forced me to grow.....
Her lyrics were so on point with my life at that time and still relevant today.
Video, Strength, Courage and Wisdom, Beautiful, Simple, Wonderful!!!
That album is amazing! I still have yet to meet her or see her in concert.... Don't worry in due time!
But the song that really touches me is
Strength Courage and Wisdom
Verse 1
Inside my head there lives a dream that I want to see in the sun
Behind my eyes there lives a me that I've been hiding for much too long
'Cause I've been, too afraid to let it show
'Cause I'm scared of the judgment that may follow
Always putting off my living for tomorrow
It's time to step out on faith, I've gotta show my face
It's been elusive for so long, but freedom is mine today
I've gotta step out on faith, It's time to show my face
Procrastination had me down but look what I have found, I found
Strength, courage, and wisdom
And it's been inside of me all along,
Strength, courage, and wisdom
Inside of me
Behind my pride there lives a me, that knows humility
Inside my voice there is a soul, and in my soul there is a voice
But I've been, too afraid to make a choice
'Cause I'm scared of the things that I might be missing
Running too fast to stop and listen
It's time to step out on faith, I've gotta show my face
It's been elusive for so long but freedom is mine today
I've gotta step out on faith it's time to show my face
Procrastination had me down but look what I have found, I found
This song is truly a song any person with a dream should know.
You will doubt yourself, lose faith in God and yourself, question everything,
run from everything, search for the unknown and battle your mind for control.
It's a struggle to change your mindset.
Believe me I'm still a work in progress, because a setback had caused me to reevaluate and go through all of the emotions and try to maintain the balance of being who I am and am meant to be.
It's work, it's painful, it's beautiful, it's enlightening and it's so necessary.
Be bold, be amazing and accept the challenge to blossom!
Be the first person to believe in you and the rest will follow.
When I stopped seeking acceptance and validation from others, while in pursuit of these dreams, I became a much happier person. Because I believed and I pursued others followed by supporting me and taking interest in the developments. We will all encounter people who will try to deter us from whatever it is we desire. Remember we have to live for ourselves and what other people think of us and our dreams is none of our business. Don't get distracted, stay focused.
Keep diggin' it's in there...( In Due Time)
Monday, February 11, 2013
Yes I have....
I've seen setback after setback after setback!!!!
It's all apart of the process.
No matter how many backup plans I have to each plan.....
Sometimes you still face the inevitable.
But that doesn't give you permission to stop reaching.
Setbacks are setups for comebacks.
If we learn from everything that's holding or stopping us from progress, we set ourselves up for a greater comeback. Though at the time of the setback we are frustrated, because we now have to regroup and feel as though we have wasted time, effort and the easiest thing to do is to quit. But quitting is not an option to attain success. I've tried to stop with everything that I love, but when it's your passion, you can't quit. There is something in you that makes you keep going back. It's like an addiction. I am addicted to cooking, acting, writing and creating. I love what I love. I've learned to be unafraid of my gifts and use them to the best of my ability and in that usage, I gain new skills. We never know what road God is taking us on, but if you let him lead you will be amazed where you end up. I never thought that I would be 32, with no kids or husband. I planned to have a family when I was 30. I guess I tickled God because my plan and his plan didn't mesh..... I like his plan better ( I think) LOL. Sometimes we want certain things and while waiting, we wonder if he has forgotten us. No, he hasn't. There is something that we need to do, not do or get rid of before we get all of the desires of our hearts. Patience is a lesson in itself. Because Lord knows, my patience have been tried, tested, beat up and so on since this move to Texas. But it made me a better person. I used to pray for patience and the one thing I learned, don't pray for something you don't want to be tested on.
One of my favorite quotes was on Akeelah and the Bee (written by Marianne Williamson)
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Challenge yourself to be more amazing today than yesterday and more amazing tomorrow than today.There is no time to be afraid of who you are, when you are what the world needs. When you begin to doubt yourself or ability ask the question "Where else are you going to get one of these?" referring to yourself and it may make you laugh, but it will certainly make you think. We are all authentically designed and we all have the power to be more than we are or ever thought we could be. Find a passion commit to it and start digging and if you are already in pursuit......
Keep digging.... it's in there somewhere.
It's all apart of the process.
No matter how many backup plans I have to each plan.....
Sometimes you still face the inevitable.
But that doesn't give you permission to stop reaching.
Setbacks are setups for comebacks.
If we learn from everything that's holding or stopping us from progress, we set ourselves up for a greater comeback. Though at the time of the setback we are frustrated, because we now have to regroup and feel as though we have wasted time, effort and the easiest thing to do is to quit. But quitting is not an option to attain success. I've tried to stop with everything that I love, but when it's your passion, you can't quit. There is something in you that makes you keep going back. It's like an addiction. I am addicted to cooking, acting, writing and creating. I love what I love. I've learned to be unafraid of my gifts and use them to the best of my ability and in that usage, I gain new skills. We never know what road God is taking us on, but if you let him lead you will be amazed where you end up. I never thought that I would be 32, with no kids or husband. I planned to have a family when I was 30. I guess I tickled God because my plan and his plan didn't mesh..... I like his plan better ( I think) LOL. Sometimes we want certain things and while waiting, we wonder if he has forgotten us. No, he hasn't. There is something that we need to do, not do or get rid of before we get all of the desires of our hearts. Patience is a lesson in itself. Because Lord knows, my patience have been tried, tested, beat up and so on since this move to Texas. But it made me a better person. I used to pray for patience and the one thing I learned, don't pray for something you don't want to be tested on.
One of my favorite quotes was on Akeelah and the Bee (written by Marianne Williamson)
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Challenge yourself to be more amazing today than yesterday and more amazing tomorrow than today.There is no time to be afraid of who you are, when you are what the world needs. When you begin to doubt yourself or ability ask the question "Where else are you going to get one of these?" referring to yourself and it may make you laugh, but it will certainly make you think. We are all authentically designed and we all have the power to be more than we are or ever thought we could be. Find a passion commit to it and start digging and if you are already in pursuit......
Keep digging.... it's in there somewhere.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Spreading my wings....
Yesterday I found out a co-worker that I started my job with passed away.
She passed away over a month ago, and no one from our job had any idea.
All we knew was she took a leave of absence.
I feel a million and one ways about not knowing.
God rest her soul....
Today I got to work and I was still "in my feelings."
And I got a message that really brightened my day.
I asked a friend to read my blog and she did, today she responded to me via facebook.
"I ready your entries.... and I want you to know that they have blessed me tremendously. With starting a business and using the gift that God has given me, your words expressed the challenges and inspiration needed to push me, one more day thank you for sharing.Continue to be blessed in all that you do. From one kindred spirit to another..... I believe in your dreams and pray for your continued success.
Be blessed."
There is more than enough room in the sky for all the birds we just have to be willing to take flight. Don't worry about the altitude for you will truly be equipped. This makes me think of one of my favorite songs of all time. I find so much therapy in music.... I hope it blesses you too!
Spread My Wings by Troop
Be willing to share knowledge and experiences with anyone who needs encouragement.
Trust and believe that God takes you through things for a reason.Though, some may seem insignificant, they are valuable later. Know that you don't always suffer for yourself, it's a part of your testimony. Our testimonies inspire others, and keep us pushing to tap into our destiny. Don't be ashamed to tell your story, because we all have one. The beauty in sharing is that it provides insight and relief. Sometimes when people see what you have gone through and how you've come out of it , it restores their hope and faith. Hope is like a flashlight in a dark room, you can't see it all but you know that more exists. Continue to hope in Christ and know he will give you enough light to find the light switch. Faith is turning on the light switch knowing that the room will glow. Be blessed today. Continue the pursuit of your dreams.
Get your shovel, and keep digging! (It's in there)
She passed away over a month ago, and no one from our job had any idea.
All we knew was she took a leave of absence.
I feel a million and one ways about not knowing.
God rest her soul....
Today I got to work and I was still "in my feelings."
And I got a message that really brightened my day.
I asked a friend to read my blog and she did, today she responded to me via facebook.
"I ready your entries.... and I want you to know that they have blessed me tremendously. With starting a business and using the gift that God has given me, your words expressed the challenges and inspiration needed to push me, one more day thank you for sharing.Continue to be blessed in all that you do. From one kindred spirit to another..... I believe in your dreams and pray for your continued success.
Be blessed."
There is more than enough room in the sky for all the birds we just have to be willing to take flight. Don't worry about the altitude for you will truly be equipped. This makes me think of one of my favorite songs of all time. I find so much therapy in music.... I hope it blesses you too!
Spread My Wings by Troop
The sky is calm
The stars are bright.
What's better than to be in flight..
I'll relax my mind And be at ease....
and let this journey
Set me free
Set me free..
And I'll spread my wings
And fly away
To a place that long for
In my heart will be the pathway
Searching for a love, that's evermore
Be willing to share knowledge and experiences with anyone who needs encouragement.
Trust and believe that God takes you through things for a reason.Though, some may seem insignificant, they are valuable later. Know that you don't always suffer for yourself, it's a part of your testimony. Our testimonies inspire others, and keep us pushing to tap into our destiny. Don't be ashamed to tell your story, because we all have one. The beauty in sharing is that it provides insight and relief. Sometimes when people see what you have gone through and how you've come out of it , it restores their hope and faith. Hope is like a flashlight in a dark room, you can't see it all but you know that more exists. Continue to hope in Christ and know he will give you enough light to find the light switch. Faith is turning on the light switch knowing that the room will glow. Be blessed today. Continue the pursuit of your dreams.
Get your shovel, and keep digging! (It's in there)
Thursday, February 7, 2013
I get up every morning to listen to Steve Harvey's 12 minute reflection.
He is truly inspiring, motivatiing and honest about his struggles.
This morning he talked about how people percieve you.
Sometimes you meet people in the middle of "strength training."
You never get to see who that person was before and depending on how the relationship develops, you will be in the trenches with that person or you will move on and possibly never know what happened to them.
I thank all of you for your support, before, during, and after.
Life is what you make it you and sometimes you have no control over some of the outcomes.
But we have to continue to believe that God has, is and will continue to take care of us.
There are some things I have yet to encounter, some I wouldn't want to encounter and some I can't wait to encounter. I trust Him, I've given him the desires of my heart and he is so faithful, they are starting to unfold.
I'm grateful. Some people will never appreciate you for who you are, what you've been through and what you will become. Everyone has a story, a season and purpose and it's up to us to pursue each opportunity to make it through to the next chapter and season on the road to fulfilling our purposes.
There will be seasons where you feel like a complete loser, some you feel ok and some you are on top of the world and none of them last forever. Learn from each one and continue on toward greatness.
No matter who you are and what you do be amazing, be bold and leave a mark.
Grab your shovel and keep digging! I have faith in diamonds.
He is truly inspiring, motivatiing and honest about his struggles.
This morning he talked about how people percieve you.
Sometimes you meet people in the middle of "strength training."
You never get to see who that person was before and depending on how the relationship develops, you will be in the trenches with that person or you will move on and possibly never know what happened to them.
I thank all of you for your support, before, during, and after.
Life is what you make it you and sometimes you have no control over some of the outcomes.
But we have to continue to believe that God has, is and will continue to take care of us.
There are some things I have yet to encounter, some I wouldn't want to encounter and some I can't wait to encounter. I trust Him, I've given him the desires of my heart and he is so faithful, they are starting to unfold.
I'm grateful. Some people will never appreciate you for who you are, what you've been through and what you will become. Everyone has a story, a season and purpose and it's up to us to pursue each opportunity to make it through to the next chapter and season on the road to fulfilling our purposes.
There will be seasons where you feel like a complete loser, some you feel ok and some you are on top of the world and none of them last forever. Learn from each one and continue on toward greatness.
No matter who you are and what you do be amazing, be bold and leave a mark.
Grab your shovel and keep digging! I have faith in diamonds.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Waking up
Make every moment count,
Find a passion and pursue it.
Dream Big!
Fall in Love.
Believe in Magic.
Trust God.
Have faith.
So this morning I get this email, I forgot I was anticipating at one point.
I have a second audition for an infomercial.
I submitted months ago!!!!!
Around this time on Monday..... I be crippling a panel of judges who have yet to meet me.
I'm excited.
I remember a few months ago, going to church after all the drama with my previous business partners, feeling some kind of way, not so much defeated, just unsure.
But through the whole transition, I never cried, I think I felt more relief than anything.
People will try to ingratiate you, by trying to convince you that you need them more than they need you and usually it's the other way around. Insecure people usually want to make you feel like they feel and they don't think you have enough sense to realize that's what's happening.
I did alot for the start-up and I was never guaranteed anything simply because I was never given a contract stating shares or anything. Therefore, I gave away free labor and I pray that they continue to prosper. I haven't had to look back once.
Through that whole transition I learned some very valuable lessons.
1. Never invest more than you can stand to lose. (time, money, attention, energy, emotion, etc.)
2. Always trust your gut and believe what you see, it's probably accurate. ("Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces)
3.People can only make you feel how you allow them to make you feel. (Teach people how to treat you.)
4.Know that God can always turn the back of the line to the front..... He has all power.
5.Don't be afraid to fight and know that sometimes the biggest battleground is in your mind.
Get your shovel and keep diggin..... I believe in diamonds.
Find a passion and pursue it.
Dream Big!
Fall in Love.
Believe in Magic.
Trust God.
Have faith.
So this morning I get this email, I forgot I was anticipating at one point.
I have a second audition for an infomercial.
I submitted months ago!!!!!
Around this time on Monday..... I be crippling a panel of judges who have yet to meet me.
I'm excited.
I remember a few months ago, going to church after all the drama with my previous business partners, feeling some kind of way, not so much defeated, just unsure.
But through the whole transition, I never cried, I think I felt more relief than anything.
People will try to ingratiate you, by trying to convince you that you need them more than they need you and usually it's the other way around. Insecure people usually want to make you feel like they feel and they don't think you have enough sense to realize that's what's happening.
I did alot for the start-up and I was never guaranteed anything simply because I was never given a contract stating shares or anything. Therefore, I gave away free labor and I pray that they continue to prosper. I haven't had to look back once.
Through that whole transition I learned some very valuable lessons.
1. Never invest more than you can stand to lose. (time, money, attention, energy, emotion, etc.)
2. Always trust your gut and believe what you see, it's probably accurate. ("Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces)
3.People can only make you feel how you allow them to make you feel. (Teach people how to treat you.)
4.Know that God can always turn the back of the line to the front..... He has all power.
5.Don't be afraid to fight and know that sometimes the biggest battleground is in your mind.
Get your shovel and keep diggin..... I believe in diamonds.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
The Blueprint for Freedom
Be your own kind of beautiful! (whatever that entails)
Be your own best friend.
Look for no one to accept you before you accept yourself.
Go to sleep with a clear conscious and wake up with gratitude.
Take charge of the day and whatever it holds.
Plan your work and work your plan.
Laugh more.
Cry when necessary.
Love because you can.
Praise God.
Dance because wiggling feels good.
Sing because you aren't good at it.( and if you are sing louder)
Trust the process.
Say no to things that don't support or validate you or encourage what you are or aspire to be.
Find your voice and use it.
Understand the power of words.
Seek purpose in all things.
Believe God.
Create something and show it off.
Dress up when you feel bad.
Do whatever makes you feel good.
Give from the heart.
Value people and relationships.
Have faith.
Learn to forgive.
Inspire others.
Share knowledge. (There is enough room in the sky for everyone to fly)
Never forget.
Enjoy the experience.
Remember the lesson.
Believe in yourself and ability.
Trust God.
Keep diggin' I swear it's in there.
Be your own best friend.
Look for no one to accept you before you accept yourself.
Go to sleep with a clear conscious and wake up with gratitude.
Take charge of the day and whatever it holds.
Plan your work and work your plan.
Laugh more.
Cry when necessary.
Love because you can.
Praise God.
Dance because wiggling feels good.
Sing because you aren't good at it.( and if you are sing louder)
Trust the process.
Say no to things that don't support or validate you or encourage what you are or aspire to be.
Find your voice and use it.
Understand the power of words.
Seek purpose in all things.
Believe God.
Create something and show it off.
Dress up when you feel bad.
Do whatever makes you feel good.
Give from the heart.
Value people and relationships.
Have faith.
Learn to forgive.
Inspire others.
Share knowledge. (There is enough room in the sky for everyone to fly)
Never forget.
Enjoy the experience.
Remember the lesson.
Believe in yourself and ability.
Trust God.
Keep diggin' I swear it's in there.
Monday, February 4, 2013
No turning back
I was standing down, down, downtown
staring at the puddles on the ground
trying to figure out a way
up out this town
and I know I'm not the only one
So many people out there
chase the sun
If you're looking for a free ride
you better run child
Cause you sure wont get to far
You better dance a dance to make the rain come down
if you want to be a star...... Ohhhhh my life!
My Life
(Brother you know)
Sho ain't been too easy
My life
(Sister you know)
The life I wanna live
My life
(Mama you know)
You're gonna go through changes
My life
No turnin back
(I'm tellin' you no)
Erykah Badu/ Mama's Gun Album/My Life(song)
I quote this song alot, I remember when I interviewed on MasterChef.
We (myself and the camera crew and the interviewer) were all talking and before I knew it we were all crying. I'm probably the best crier ever. I'm so good at it!!! I cry when I'm happy, sad, surprised, nervous, anxious and on TV shows. I'm well aware that my tear ducts work and so is anyone else who knows me! LOL. I finished shooting my second project this weekend and now we are just waiting for the approvals and all that jazz..... Time taking her sweet time, the quiet is time for reflection.
I look back and laugh because exactly two years ago I was leaving Dallas, headed to California for my MasterChef experience. I was nervous, excited, overjoyed, amazed and in complete awe that this was really happening to me.All the hype, glitz, glamour and reality of a "reality"show suddenly became clear that there was nothing real about the reality show, except the contestants. It was an experience though. Once I returned to my regular life in Dallas, I was so depressed. I lost my job, no income, nothing!!!! I know who carried me through.
When all of this was going on, I kept saying Lord why me??? Why would you let me get there, lose and come back and lose even more? God planted some serious angels in my life. From friends, to my landlord to random strangers. I never went without anything that I needed. There was nothing extra, I was truly swinging on the vine of faith. I kept wanting to quit and leave everything to go back to Arkansas to what was comfortable. I endured alot!!!! But I knew that giving up on my dream and going back home was like spitting in God's face, simply because he continued to make a way and I couldn't let him down and throw away my dream because it got uncomfortable. Uncomfortable is apart of the process. Switching dreams isn't a rescue, you will still have to endure some discomfort. You can't turn back.
This one Sunday I went to church and the sermon was on the parable about the mustard seed.
It's not about the size, but the strength. Mustard will always be mustard no matter what you do it. You have to have that kind of faith in whatever you dream of and work for. You have permission to do everything, but quit, continue to trust God and he won't let you turn back.....
Keep diggin' it's in there. Just keep diggin!
staring at the puddles on the ground
trying to figure out a way
up out this town
and I know I'm not the only one
So many people out there
chase the sun
If you're looking for a free ride
you better run child
Cause you sure wont get to far
You better dance a dance to make the rain come down
if you want to be a star...... Ohhhhh my life!
My Life
(Brother you know)
Sho ain't been too easy
My life
(Sister you know)
The life I wanna live
My life
(Mama you know)
You're gonna go through changes
My life
No turnin back
(I'm tellin' you no)
Erykah Badu/ Mama's Gun Album/My Life(song)
I quote this song alot, I remember when I interviewed on MasterChef.
We (myself and the camera crew and the interviewer) were all talking and before I knew it we were all crying. I'm probably the best crier ever. I'm so good at it!!! I cry when I'm happy, sad, surprised, nervous, anxious and on TV shows. I'm well aware that my tear ducts work and so is anyone else who knows me! LOL. I finished shooting my second project this weekend and now we are just waiting for the approvals and all that jazz..... Time taking her sweet time, the quiet is time for reflection.
I look back and laugh because exactly two years ago I was leaving Dallas, headed to California for my MasterChef experience. I was nervous, excited, overjoyed, amazed and in complete awe that this was really happening to me.All the hype, glitz, glamour and reality of a "reality"show suddenly became clear that there was nothing real about the reality show, except the contestants. It was an experience though. Once I returned to my regular life in Dallas, I was so depressed. I lost my job, no income, nothing!!!! I know who carried me through.
When all of this was going on, I kept saying Lord why me??? Why would you let me get there, lose and come back and lose even more? God planted some serious angels in my life. From friends, to my landlord to random strangers. I never went without anything that I needed. There was nothing extra, I was truly swinging on the vine of faith. I kept wanting to quit and leave everything to go back to Arkansas to what was comfortable. I endured alot!!!! But I knew that giving up on my dream and going back home was like spitting in God's face, simply because he continued to make a way and I couldn't let him down and throw away my dream because it got uncomfortable. Uncomfortable is apart of the process. Switching dreams isn't a rescue, you will still have to endure some discomfort. You can't turn back.
This one Sunday I went to church and the sermon was on the parable about the mustard seed.
It's not about the size, but the strength. Mustard will always be mustard no matter what you do it. You have to have that kind of faith in whatever you dream of and work for. You have permission to do everything, but quit, continue to trust God and he won't let you turn back.....
Keep diggin' it's in there. Just keep diggin!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Breaking out....
So Thursday, I missed Grey's Anatomy and Scandal. (I swear the sky won't fall in this time)
I went to a comedy show and tried stand up comedy.( I was dared to do it)
It was quite fun and the audience was great!
This was my second time and I didn't get scared, I made the whole three minutes.
The house was pretty full and I got quite a few compliments.
Since I didn't suck at it, I think I'm going to go again. Maybe even next week.
Yesterday I cooked for a family, I don't really know.
The mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.
They have 3 children, one is autistic and another child has Down's syndrome and diabetes.
I was asked to help and I was honored to do so.
We may never meet, but I hope the meal I prepared was enjoyed.
Often times our gifts make room for us and it's not always to our benefit.
But doing this sparked something inside of me.
I think it would be cool, to sponsor dinners for families, with a parent with cancer if they have small children. It would lighten the load around the house.
This would be one less thing they'd have to worry about.
I think I'm going to check into this.
The person who delivered the meal, sent me a text message saying how much the family enjoyed it.
The oldest child told her that the whole church has been helping by sponsoring meals and this was the only one they didnt think was some kind of experiment LOL.
She tickled me, when she told me that.
I think I'm going to sponsor them another meal next week.
We never know what our ministry may be, but I'm sure mine is through food.
I use these hands and gifts that God gave me to myself, art and love.
That's how I praise God, I'm grateful that he chose me to be a vessel with such a gift.
Whatever your gift is, use it! There is no sense in being amazingly talented and no one knows but you.
Stop working for the money, it will come. Work for the love and it's not work, it's fun!
Your gift will always make room for you. ALWAYS!!!!
My favorite quote is by Erma Bombeck
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me."
If you gotta go, go empty. Leave a mark on this world and be the best whatever you chose to be!!!
I'm just getting started and I can't wait to see what's ahead. I'm so grateful!
God is awesome!!!!
Keep on diggin'......
I went to a comedy show and tried stand up comedy.( I was dared to do it)
It was quite fun and the audience was great!
This was my second time and I didn't get scared, I made the whole three minutes.
The house was pretty full and I got quite a few compliments.
Since I didn't suck at it, I think I'm going to go again. Maybe even next week.
Yesterday I cooked for a family, I don't really know.
The mom was recently diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.
They have 3 children, one is autistic and another child has Down's syndrome and diabetes.
I was asked to help and I was honored to do so.
We may never meet, but I hope the meal I prepared was enjoyed.
Often times our gifts make room for us and it's not always to our benefit.
But doing this sparked something inside of me.
I think it would be cool, to sponsor dinners for families, with a parent with cancer if they have small children. It would lighten the load around the house.
This would be one less thing they'd have to worry about.
I think I'm going to check into this.
The person who delivered the meal, sent me a text message saying how much the family enjoyed it.
The oldest child told her that the whole church has been helping by sponsoring meals and this was the only one they didnt think was some kind of experiment LOL.
She tickled me, when she told me that.
I think I'm going to sponsor them another meal next week.
We never know what our ministry may be, but I'm sure mine is through food.
I use these hands and gifts that God gave me to myself, art and love.
That's how I praise God, I'm grateful that he chose me to be a vessel with such a gift.
Whatever your gift is, use it! There is no sense in being amazingly talented and no one knows but you.
Stop working for the money, it will come. Work for the love and it's not work, it's fun!
Your gift will always make room for you. ALWAYS!!!!
My favorite quote is by Erma Bombeck
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me."
If you gotta go, go empty. Leave a mark on this world and be the best whatever you chose to be!!!
I'm just getting started and I can't wait to see what's ahead. I'm so grateful!
God is awesome!!!!
Keep on diggin'......
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