Your career is what you're paid for, your calling is what you're made for.
Hey guys, sorry I'm a little backed up on writing.
I had a play last week and I just finished it up last night.
So now I can get back on schedule.
Let's make today short and sweet.
But make it an awesome day!
No matter what your calling is, be the best at it.
Do it like no other. Show up and show out daily!
Let the light of God shine through you.
People receive your gifting when you passionately pursue it.
The blessing comes when your joy allows other people to feel/see the love/passion you have for that task. Alot of people are so busy being miserable, that they have a hard time feeling good, without the use of drugs, alcohol and whatever their addiction is.
I talked to a few people, in the last few weeks, who laughed at me because I don't drink.
I'm not good it, I don't enjoy it so I don't do it.
I go to happy hour to eat the discounted appetizers.
Liquor does nothing for me, I may have a taste of wine every blue moon.
I like to talk and have no idea how much I would tell.
The few times I've been intoxicated, I went to sleep.
At any rate, I said all of that to say.
God made us all differently, be unafraid of who you are or who you are meant to be.
We have to define life on our terms.
Stop chasing the easy route. Do the work.
Write the vision, make it plain. Trust God.
There is no time to waste on the journey to your destiny.
Know that you are groomed for greatness.
And with that grooming comes adversity,opposition and setbacks, but also joy, peace, opportunity.
There is nothing like being happy about what you do daily.
When you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.
I am working in my calling! I'm grateful.
Get your shovel and keep diggin'
In order to find the diamond, you have to believe that it's in there.
Faith without work is dead.
Believe, roll up your sleeves and get to diggin'!
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