Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Getting what I prayed for...

It's amazing how we ask God to give us things.
He never tells us no, but he never tells us what we will endure to get it either.
Knowing all the pain ahead of time, takes away the desire of the dream.
The dream will change to something less painful.
I know I would have changed mine 5 years ago when I moved to TX.
Had I known, I’d have to endure so much to live in my purpose, I would have settled so long ago.
But the fighter in me wants the dream to live a better life, than my ancestors.
I want to make their struggles count.
They are those that made them that made these that made me....
Carry the torch for progression, become an ambassador for your family.
I wear my grandmother's face and I respect her legacy!
We must respect ourselves enough to not embarrass our families.
Reach the one, teach one and be willing to be taught.
Taking pride and dignity in yourself and the history of those before you is a forgotten rule.
Listen to the stupid music that's played today.
Degrade women, smoke, drink, screw...... nothing of any substance.
We have to give ourselves permission to love ourselves and each other.
We have to honor and uplift one another and stop jealousy and hatred.
There is enough room in the sky for everyone to fly..... Don't be afraid jump, just start flapping!
I gave my dreams and desires to God, he never told me no.
He just didn't tell me what I would endure on the journey.
But he has carried me, guided me and loved me through it all.
I'm grateful!

I trusted him, he gave me a shovel.
I put my faith in him, he told me to keep digging.
I asked for my dreams to come true, he start showing me diamonds (with the promise of more)

Keep diggin! It's in there... in due time.

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