Thursday, February 14, 2013

Indeed I am.....

Allow yourself to give and receive love, not just today.
We all have habits that we need to break and develop new ones that better suit us.
In this changing my mindset quest, I learn more about myself daily.
My ministry and love is food, you know I love you if I feed you.
If you are sick, I'm making soup.
If I'm happy I'm developing new recipes and I need to share it with the masses.
It's awful hard to cook for just one person!
We have these expectations of what love should look like.
When it doesn't fit our image, we leave, lose interest or settle for something less than what we settled for.
I have a horrible habit of losing interest quickly when it comes to certain things.
I am particular about the company that I keep, things that I listen to and the places I go.
We become what we attract or are attracted too.

Apparently the dookieball in me attracts the like LOL....
I'm honest enough with myself to not dabble in things that I perceive foolish or a waste.
I often times, miss out on certain experiences because of my perception.
I'm learning to get out of my own way. It's honestly a hard road.
 I don't play by the book or the cover, I just play and sometimes it gets tiresome.
 I shoot for the bullseye and pray I hit close enough to crawl to it.
In the name of success I must succeed!
 I've come to far to quit, stop or turn around.

On this journey I thank God daily. I pray for protection from the things that I can't see. I pray for peace where there is conflict and discomfort. I pray for understanding where there is confusion and mending in my brokenness. I know He favors me. He showed me my diamonds and demons. In this process it was painful, but necessary and very eye opening. I realized who my friends were and weren't and lost quite a few. It's hard to love someone who doesn't reciprocate, and when you find someone who does, make it a point to keep them around, they are truly valuable. You can never be friends with someone who is jealous of you, in your drive or your  dream because they don't have one. Some people you just have to step away from and deal with them differently.

I do this to my friends and expect this of my friends
1. Help where you can.
2.Be honest about what you will and won't do.
3. Tell the truth.
4.Have the difficult conversations.
5. Kiss and make up.
6. Most importantly (LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY)

At one of my lowest points, where I was completely broken, nothing to smile about or laugh. I remember saying "One day this going to be funny." Some stuff I can go back and laugh at now and it's hilarious! I'm funny if nothing else, and I can't wait to tell some of these stories, that will make you laugh. As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to make videos of myself telling the stories, because reading it will do it no justice!
Be able to laugh at yourself and continue to be amazing!

Spread the love and keep diggin!


  1. Tudi, I look forward to your blog....don't stop!

  2. Every time I read your blog, you just seem to take the words right out of my heart. :~)

  3. You most definitely are funny. I enjoy all of your stories.
