I thought this was a great pic to post.
Yesterday I had a great conversation, dreams, goals, plans and ambition and so on.
We barely know each other but are both well aware there is alot we can learn from each other.
I think he's a great guy! In the midst, of one of my rants, he made this statement and I thought it was amazing!
Where preparation and opportunity meet= Success.
I never thought about this before, whatever the dream is that you are chasing you are in constant preparation for the "big break". We do all of this work, building skills, learning more information, practicing technique, fusing ideas together to make something new all in the name of preparation. All of the things that seem pointless and tedious are actually skill builders. We have to see a lesson all things and take something away from it, it's better if we take the good things and make it a blessing/lesson as a opposed to seeing it as a punishment or curse. Every setback is a setup for a comeback..... A comeback is an opportunity for which you are already prepared. God takes us through these trials building our faith, skill and knowledge for our purpose but for his Glory.
I was in church one Sunday and my pastor said. " The holes in the golf ball were but there to make the ball fly further faster" When the ball is whole with no blemishes, it only flys about 30 feet. But the dents in the ball make the ball fly further faster because the wind can carry it better..... The wind being faith, the dents and dings (trials) make you lighter and easier to carry, the hole at the end of the course is opportunity.... God is so awesome!!!!
Preparation and opportunity have said hello, I'm ready for them to get really acquainted.
I got a shovel, bucket and boots, I'm down here digging til I touch this diamond I dream of.
In the name of Jesus! AMEN.
You couldn't have said it any better. Wouldn't be nice if more of us would have that kind of mindset? Imagine what kind of society we would live in if people would live by that creed.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading my blog, I thought was a wonderful quote. I'm grateful, the right place, people and time in sync....