Faith and fear can not coexist.
I've never heard this until today.
It touched me too!
There has been an internal struggle within me battling this very thing.
I claim not to be perfect, but human.
Even though, I'm continuously digging, I struggle with the fear of inadequacy.
God has given me every tool, I need for battle and I still battle with the what ifs....
So today I read my favorite devotional, and it SPOKE!
Small Straws in a Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:
Release yourself from the thoughts, worries, and concerns that keep you earthbound. For, you must rise above all that keeps you from absolute faith in Me, says the Lord. You cannot operate in the realm of faith and be in fear at the same time. Pay attention to your thoughts and make the necessary adjustments to demonstrate faith. 2 Corinthians 10:5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
I'm the main one talking about Trust God, Trust God, Have faith, Keep believing.
Yet this is an area I struggle in.
There is no doubt in my head my dreams will come true.
There is a worry there, though. I worry about my competance, my confidence, my ability.
I never doubt my love/passion/persistence in attaining the things I dream of.
So I have to remind myself, that no one does it like me.
No one can do it like me, and I've vowed to leave a mark on this world.
One recipe,one meal, one poem, one Tudi at at time....
Time is ok, it's necessary to continue development.
In due time, in due time, in due time.
Keep digging, working those faith in yourself muscles.... it's in there.
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