I think this chick is so powerful!
Dancing in the wind makes her happy.
Her passion is dancing and that is the highest praise ever!
Whatever you love, and you would do it for free is what you should be doing.
I love to cook, write, act and I make it a priority to do some of one daily if not all three,
I recently scored a column on Hellobeautiful.com.
Excited is an understatement!
God blesses me daily, I have to make sure I sieze every opportunity I'm awarded.
I'm making how to videos, I write the recipes and cook there.
All of my loves are combined into one element and I show my heart to world.
I love, I am loved, I am passionate, I am powerful and I am happy!
Pursue whatever you love and you will never work a day in your life.
Most importantly I'm grateful.
Keep on digging. It's there!
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