A "no" isn't always a no, it sometimes, a not right now.
Don't let a "no" deter you from your destiny.
Be prepared, be patient, be faithful.
The route, that I'm on is not the one I planned.
Who knew about the snakes and bees on the journey to destiny???
You have to deal with them, they are coming, and they are to be destroyed.
God doesn't bring you through anything he hasn't prepared you to conquer.
It's all in your mind, you have to have faith that your dreams will come true and not let them fall by the wayside, because of a temporary setback.
I've been setback, run over, pushed down and I continue to hold on.
The truth is, my dream is so much bigger than I am.
My destiny is so much more than I comprehend!
It's a journey and it's beautiful, it's necessary.
Whatever your story is, isn't just for you! Testimonies can build a nation!
Tell it, all of it, whatever it is, it can inspire someone to be better, try harder and hold on.
You only live once, write your name on everything possible, remind the world where you've been.
I'm so grateful, that I've been able to share myself, my love, my story, my pain with the world. UNASHAMED! I've become a better person for it. The end of the old me, that cared more about everything, everyone and doing the "right" thing, has ended. I've met my new beginning and God has brought me here, my wings are getting stronger every day. I'm so grateful!
The beauty of this change is you get to keep what you've learned, you don't have to start fresh.
Tomorrow, I'm shooting another series of videos, I'm interviewing with the newspaper. I'm blessed.
You know I have my shovel..... I will keep digging.. I truly belive in diamonds.
Find one worth digging for.... (whatever your dream is, (diamond) believe in it so much, you except no excuses for putting your shovel down.... only then does it start to manifest)
Keep digging.... love you!