If my grandparents were still alive, they would have celebrated 54 years of marriage today.
They are in heaven, probably two- stepping and celebrating. I miss them so much!
The beauty of their relationship is that they were completely accepting of each other.
A need for either of them to ever change was never an issue.
They were married for 39 years before my grandfather passed away.
But they had a friendship, a love for each other that allowed them to be friends first.
They had a beautiful relationship, it wasn't perfect. But it was perfect for them.
In whatever type of relationship you seek, it doesn't have to be perfect. It has to be perfect for the involved parties. Whatever the world's standards for a perfect relationship are, don't matter as long the parties involved are happy, secure and comfortable. The relationship is best when everyone is honest about everything!! It's not always pleasant, but it's always necessary.
I loved the way they valued each other, the way they showed me what love should look like.
My parents are divorced and are both married to their second spouses, which I think is great.
They are both happy in their own rites. They both picked amazing partners and 24 years later.... still at it!
I'm grateful, I've been fortunate enough to see love as it was to be displayed, sweet, beautiful, pure and honest. Happy with or without money, each other was always enough. No finger pointing, united to make the remedy..... Love is beautiful find the perfect compromise that fits that relationship.....

If you are looking for love.....
Grab your shovel and keep digging, there is plenty to go around!
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