I remember one time there was this skirt, that I had to have!!!
I had the money to purchase it but I didn't and it bugged me all night long.
I got up the next day to go back to get it, and it was gone.... who was sad? ME.
The fact that I knew someone else was wearing that skirt and looking fabulous bothered me to no end....
After that incident I made it point to do it and deal with the consequences later (within reason, sometimes)
Be who you are, do what you love and trust the process.
If you do the "right" thing or the "wrong" thing, there will still be spaces of discomfort.
Be happy and know what you are giving up or losing.
Nothing beats a failure but a try.
Grab your shovel and keep on diggin.... don't stop like the hands of time.(Soul II Soul)
I altered the lyricks a tanch but love me anyway!
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