We all have some people in our lives that serve us no purpose.
Those are people that should be removed, if that "purpose" does not serve us.
Learn from this, we have to be so selective about the company we keep.
Some of these leeches will suck everything out of us, with never anything to offer,but a bigger appetite for more of what we can give.
Don't allow yourself to be mauled by people who will drain you.
A person who is always negative, needy and doesn't push you to be a better person., is a person you don't need. So often we get wrapped in all the time invested in that friend/relationship, that the passion and value has gone, it's just a familiar piece of the puzzle. We should always hang around people who inspire us, to do better, to be better, to try harder to reach our goals. You have to have hang around people who are smarter than you, they keep you moving. Those are purposeful relationships that cause us to blossom into who we are meant to be. If you aren't growing you are dying. Evaluate what's killing you and cut that limb off the branch and if necessary cut that branch off the tree. We are born to be amazing trees in the forest of the world, don't become a stump or allow yourself to not bear fruit. It's never too late to start, but make sure you get out of your own way, because growth is a hard, complicated and often uncomfortable process. Love those who nurture and appreciate you and promote growth. Those who don't should have limited access to you, while you serve your purpose. It's pruning, uncomfortably necessary.
Grab your shovel, keep digging!
Believe it's in there and you are sure to find it.
They Leaving anyway.
ReplyDeleteI expressed to a close friend long time ago.
Be the best you.Do what God will have you to do
and the leaves will fall.
So called friends will leave too.
The wind will surely carry them away.
You can't please people nor live after their favor.
It produces nothing but failure and weight.
In order for anything to grow it needs a certain amount of sunlight, certain amount water and a certain amount of dirt.
The very nature of people will either grow you or groom you.
It is all design so you can weather the transitions of the seasons in your life.
So that the things you a rooted in continue to grow.
Surely if the birds every care is attend to.
Surely he that made me this forever growing Tree will do the same.