Monday, March 4, 2013

turning can'ts to cans, dreams to plans......

I'm going to bottle this one up and sell it!
I thought this was a cool quote.
My eyes stay on the hunt for an inspirational saying!
It's all about changing your mindset!
No try's, not can'ts,
Speak everything as if it is already in progress.
I'm trying should be I'm doing.....
I can't should be I'm not going to today but.....
Can't is like a setup for failure, can't means you aren't willing to even try.
Nothing beats a failure, but a try!
When there is nothing to lose, you are your most powerful.
That's because both hands are free to move what's in the way, and grab what's needed.
Use them both, destiny is a puzzle and it requires shifting of several pieces and removal of extra pieces and the discomfort of squeezing yourself into a tighter space.
The word "no" has an effect on psyche that can cause some of us to give up/in.
No's are necessary, often times they give us insight to something that needs to be tweeked.
While we perfect our craft we will change 1000 times before we get to where we are satisfied with the end product. Everything will change about our product and that's growth. You can't be arrogant enough to think that it's perfect when you first start doing it!
With my BBQ sauce, the labels, the recipes, the names, have all changed..... I've now developed a product I'm more than pleased with..... These cant's have turned to cans then to jars..... I love the jars!
These dreams are planned too, I used to make backup's to the backups and now I just trust God to keep me in perfect peace, pray for understanding and guidance and comfort in not knowing what to expect with the certainty it all be ok!

Turning cant's into cans.... Dreams into plans!
Shovel in hand and still diggin!

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