Wednesday, January 30, 2013


In life, we make some not so wise decisions.
I remember when I first moved here to TX, I was living with someone and it became a bad situation and I had to move quickly.
People will always show you who they are, believe them. When they can’t have what they desire of you, the drama starts. It’s even more apparent when they send in “fairies” to do the dirty work.
I allow everyone to be extraordinary until they prove themselves otherwise.
But once you prove who/what you are that will forever be my perception of you, good or bad!!!!
I love everyone but I don’t friend everyone.
I’m so selective about the company I keep and those that I allow close to me.
We have to protect ourselves. We must continue to pray that God guides us and sends the right people.
We become what we attract and we should strive to attract more and better.
Be dumb like a fox, pay attention to everything and make a slow, quiet exit from things that you need not be associated with. The company you keep can put you in bad place, physically, mentally, spiritually, financially, emotionally. People who do exactly what they want to do and don’t care about the consequences don’t care enough about themselves to value you either. Love yourself enough to know that you matter and their drama can spill over into your life too by being too close to their madness.

Be with people who love, cherish and celebrate you. Dreams are accomplished by a team!
Hang around people, who are smarter than you, it’s the only way you can grow.
If you are the smartest person you know, your circle needs to change into something that elevates you.
There is nothing wrong with not knowing, but everything is wrong with not growing!

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