Saturday, January 26, 2013

Of Faith and Patience.

Hey guys, sorry I missed you yesterday.
Yesterday was my first day shooting my new webisodes.
I'm doing a pound cake project (mini loaf) for a web company.
It was really cool, and really high tech. Alot more than I anticipated.
But once I got over the fear of not knowing, it became natural to me.
I can't wait to see the episodes once the editing is done.
I go back tomorrow to film the remainders.
I'll keep you posted.

Anywho, I took a friend car shopping this week.
We've gone a couple of times and the first day, was us dealing with a shady car saleman.
He had the car she wanted, for a decent price. It wasn't a decent car, it sounded like a tractor and should have started smoking once started driving. I in good faith could not allow her to purchase such a mistake.
So we looked at another car and it was a little more and ran well, but it need some serious interior attention.
Well he wouldn't come down off the price, so we grabbed our purses and hit the door.... hit the door... hit the door.... LOL. I guess I just felt like singing.
So we went back looking at another dealership last night and the exact same car that she wanted, she got.
The payments are lower than she wanted to pay, it has a warranty and all that jazz that makes us happy about a purchase. When we went in, she said she felt so defeated and we prayed. And then we got an awesome sales person. She test drove it and everything, however she didnt get to drive it home because all of the insurance places were closed. We will pick it up today.

However, I said all of that to say, if we take our time and trust our gut instincts, usually we get something better. But when we rush, we get less than we settle for.
At the age of 32 I see life so much clearer, so differently.
All the things that I thought I knew, I question if I ever knew.
Age truly makes you wiser, and patience truly blesses you with the desires you've prayed for.
I've been in Texas for 5 years, and it has not been the kindest of places.
But through the laughter, tears and highs, lows..... I wouldn't trade anything for the "me" I've gained.
The journey to self discovery is a hard but necessary road. Growth and change are inevitable, sometimes those two are your biggest enemies/nightmares. This is where the serenity prayer is worth it's weight in gold.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
No matter what you do or who you are, be amazing!

Keep digging, the diamond is really in there!

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