Monday, February 18, 2013


Today was a day that I had to have one of those difficult conversations.
I've had butterflies for the last few days, wondering what would happen.
If things would change? for better? for worse? or would the relationship be severed.
We sit down and talk and get everything on the table,cry,laugh and hug. It was beautiful.
I'm so grateful, I put my faith in God and asked him to resolve the matter for the better and I'm not at all disappointed by the end result. I'm grateful.

This past weekend, I went home to see the love of my life. My niece was performing for the first time in the choir and I promised I'd be there to see her.
I surprised her by going to her school and hanging out for the day and went to lunch with her and all that jazz. She was excited and we enjoyed each other. She and I hung out all weekend and visited some of my friends and family. This was truly one of the best trips I've had in quite some time. I needed it.

There is nothing like going home, a place where you are loved and accepted for who you are, when the world makes you fight everyday. I go home to recharge. I got to see just about everyone, I went to some of my favorite places, I was reminded how much I matter and how much I am loved. It was truly a great trip.

I got up this morning, determined to have a good day regardless of what end result of the conversation would be. After all of the running around I've done lately, my mind and actions have become cluttered. Going home was so necessary, I got a break from being all that I am in Dallas, to just being me in Arkansas. It was relaxing, enjoyable and  I got something else that I needed! More motivation.

I was at my friend April's house and we were looking for something to watch. We find a speaking engagement featuring Taraji P. Henson. She is one of my favorites! It was called finding faith in yourself and it was amazing! I cried because I completely identified with the lose of faith in self, in God, in the process. She spoke so eloquently about the process of becoming what you are destined to be and it was what I needed. The reassurance, the acknowledgment, the confidence, the wisdom, the grace, the faith..... It was awesome and I was truly blessed by listening. It's ok to have faith in yourself and know that it will waiver, just don't lose heart.

Grab your shovel and keep on diggin!!!!! (I have faith in so much more!)

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